Why You are A Health Practitioner
Having created a medical practice through hard work and commitment you of course want to grow it and become well-known in the area that you’re in. The overriding concept to keep in mind is why you went into the health field to begin with. The answer is of course to help others feel better and to heal them.
So what is the best way to accomplish this? A necessary part of the process is to get the word out there so you are a recognized part of the community in which you practise. The trust factor is essential in being able to accomplish your goals. If you tell a patient to do certain things as part of the healing process you want them to listen to your advice so a result is achieved.
The next step is to build a strong patient base, and become recognized as being a vital part of the community that you made yourself part of. Health fairs are a viable way to accomplish this and at the same time familiarize yourself even more with what your working community is seeking in terms of health, so that you can more easily provide this.
The main thing that you want to convey to anybody who comes across your booth at health fairs is that you are a healer. They need to see that you want to work with them so that they can be the healthiest individual that they can be. This message needs to be evident not only on the signage or any material that you hand out to attendees, but it needs to come right from you. An employee at a company health fair can look at you and hear you and be able to walk away thinking that you’re the perfect fit for them as they journey toward being healthy.
If you are going to be practicing in a community, you want to be known in that area as a reliable and trustworthy person to go to for medical issues. The best way to do that is to get yourself out in front of these people using venues like health fairs. They will be able to see you with their own eyes and actually interact with you. Social media has helped in that area, but sometimes it’s difficult to discern true recommendations from ones posted by staff members. People are often skeptical of advertisements, too. So… it’s the human touch that can sway them, for better or worse.
Be genuine. People can have a general sense of when someone is authentic. Demonstrate that you’re extremely knowledgeable in your field, without of course acting superior to them – you want these people to be comfortable being regular patients of yours.
Healing is a very high level of activity. It is so valued by those in pain and discomfort that they will place it above almost any other endeavor in life. As a healer you want to deliver what is promised. This takes more than skill. It involves real commitment to your patients and live communication. This is another reason health fairs are a great platform for health practitioners – it gives you the opportunity to personally contact many people in the community and establish yourself as a professional in your field.
Corporate Wellness Solutions can help you if you want to be part of health fairs – they organize them for companies of all sizes. If you want a certain audience size, they could place you where there are that many employees. Then you can go out and spread your message of helping and healing to those people. Call now and start getting in front your potential patients: 212-537-4421