Why Should I Have a Health Fair?
A business owner or a human resources executive is often faced with the situation of employee attendance due to illness. This can occur for a variety of reasons. But how could the executive who is in charge and responsible for the company’s overall output, both quantity and quality, be in control? Their personnel are key to the wellness of the company. After all the employees of a company are human beings, capable of getting sick from stress and other factors, not robots who can work indefinitely. There’s something out there that can possibly help: health fairs.
Here are some of the things that are discussed at health fairs:
- Blood pressure, since hypertension can be a very big problem, especially if it goes unnoticed. Getting on blood pressure medicine can reduce possible heart attacks or strokes.
- Cholesterol is another possible “silent killer” since one can have their arteries reaching dangerous levels of fullness and still have the person feeling in good shape until something bad, like a heart attack, occurs. While some may argue the different levels of cholesterol readings, this is another one where it’s better to be safe than sorry.
- Skin cancer is one that people of all races should be on the lookout for, not just the supposed “fair-skinned” types. Even if a dermatologist later proclaims a possible worrisome mole as being benign, it’s better to be diligent.
- Diabetes is a big worry, since more and more jobs are becoming sedentary. You can get easy tips to reduce your weight, since adult-onset can be regulated that way and you might not even have to consider getting insulin if you act quickly.
Bringing up awareness in this way is important – while most employees already have a health professional monitoring their physical well being, there may be a different baseline than that of the medical professional attending the health fair. Often the care level or quality can be improved and having another pair of eyes can often lead to a resolution of a physical condition.
One thing to keep in mind is that while Corporate Wellness Solutions has partnered with some of the best medical professionals in New York. When choosing a health fair company to be responsible for your wellness program as a whole, it is essential to be able to trust the health professionals presenting there and keep up the good will and word of mouth of your personnel. In our Manhattan based location we are accustomed to working with a high standard of health care and our health provider attendees are only those who meet these standards.
Health Fairs can add longevity to your employees and enable the company to really cultivate valuable workers. And the reward of having something that might have previously gone undiagnosed is worth more than any potential perceived “risk”. The goal is to have people live longer and healthier lives, after all.
When it comes to cost, the health fairs that Corporate Wellness Solutions brings together can be very budget-friendly – the ROI is well worth it in terms of low turnover of personnel and more stability for the company.That’s excellent for the companies, since it allows them to guide their employees to be healthy while having a strong balance sheet themselves.
Overall, I liked it much better – I will just add a call to action to rap it up.
Call today to find out how easy it is to schedule a health fair 212-537-4421.Start creating lots more goodwill within your organization! That goodwill is what great companies are built upon!